Throughout January I started and completed a series of three small works titled Remnants of the Manmade. I was inspired to get outside and take photographs of architecture after finding an open call for a virtual exhibition. I wanted to make a connection between the masculinity of architecture and the femininity of the handmade. I did this by taking crops of the photographs, pixelating the crops, and converting them into cross-stitch patterns. All that was left were remnants and lines of the buildings from the photographs. Even though the connection to the manmade is still present, it becomes overshadowed by the soft materials of the handmade.
The rest of my time was spent continuing to work on a painting for the Translation Series, doing a bit of research, and testing out the affects of different sized stitches over text. I have a project concept for a typography piece/series, but I don’t want the text to be the first thing you notice about the piece. I want the text to almost be invisible and for the pattern layered over top to act as a mask of sorts. I was so happy with how the test was coming together that I decided to make it a finished piece in the end, which I’m now calling P is for Pain.
I have a few project ideas that are still stirring in this crazy brain of mine and I’m trying my best to let them simmer a bit before I jump right into creating them. It’s important for me to have a clear direction and purpose for my works, as this is something I’ve found challenging in the past.