Thursday, June 25, 2015:
This week I've been working hard and painting lots! I'm preparing for Canada Day by the Bay, this coming Wednesday, July 1, at White Rock Beach, where I will be setting up a vendor booth. I'm very excited as it will be my first time selling my art in public! Plus it is bound to be a beautiful day at the beach and I'm even planning to do some live painting.
As I've mentioned before, I find it very useful to paint on several canvases at once. My process is very spontaneous and layered, however if I have to sit around waiting for the paint to dry then it's not exactly an effective use of my studio time. I paint in stages where I add in layers to different canvases so that when I return to the canvas I started with, the paint is dry and I can add more detail without the colours blending.
While adding layers to my paintings I usually begin by pairing complimentary colours, but I often use different shades of the same colour and sometimes I just choose colours while I'm mixing paint and make decisions with my gut instincts.
I thought the best way to demonstrate this process of layering would be to take a series of photographs of the various stages of my process. Here is an example of a 16x20" canvas I painted today.
This next series of photographs shows a painting I did on an 11x14" canvas which I painted last summer. I really didn't like the painting so I decided to paint over it and re-use the canvas. It really goes to show how great acrylic paints are at covering dried layers.